I wish I could've thought of a better title. But I can't. What a wonderful start to my first ever blog post! *fanfares* Instead I have given you all a false sense of anticipation that I'm about to tell you all about some new chapter in my life. Well, to an extent, it is a new chapter in my life - one I am both very excited and very very apprehensive about. I'm moving away from home to start university, to start the most awesome course ever! Hello fellow Marine Biology students, I'm new to this club but can we have t-shirts?! Please? No? Well, okay then. Moving on...
As I said before, I'm very excited to start because everything's new, the people I've met and got to know so far are amazing, not to mention this is the course of my dreams! However, I have one small problem. And that's my anxiety. My anxiety, or morph as he's known (more on that in a future post.) is the whole reason I have created this blog; it's to act not only as an outlet for myself, you will see all of my highs and lows as I go on my adventure into the big wide world of academics. But, this is also to show others that you are not alone. Ever. And if I can help just one person, then it's worth it.
Due to my anxiety, I also really like making lists and getting myself into routine and order so here is a list of things that I'm scared about:
1) Failing my course. This is MAJOR for me. I am petrified of not being good enough and not being able to cope with a degree.
2) Not making friends. (Or everyone hating me. I'm a bit like marmite.)
3) You all now remembering this post as being written by "The marmite lady."
4) Missing home. I am a homebody, I don't like going out if I know all my family are home because my parents are my best friends and I laugh so much when I'm with them. They're amazing, true gems. Not to mention I'm leaving my best friend in the entire world behind, I honestly don't know how to cope very well without her.
5) Getting lost in a new city
6) Being a disappointment. This ties in with the first but my circle are all so proud of me and I don't want to let them down at all.
I can't think of anymore to put here but reflecting on them I know they're all either completely normal or completely irrational and I will cope and I will work this out. In addition to this blog being about student life with anxiety, it will also follow my love of quirky coffee shops, terrible B rate films, studyspo, tips and tricks to get by on a student budget and cooking in a student kitchen. Hopefully. Providing I don't get spent out and begin to starve in the first week. See you all again on moving in day!