As I mentioned on my previous post about my return to blogging. I turned 20 at the start of the month and although some might not class it as a age milestone, for me I do. It's the age where I really need to seriously take a look at the direction I want my life to take. So, I felt I would create a bucket list of everything I want to do before I hit 30. I have 10 years to do the 20 things on my bucket list as a 20 something. As, I do believe that's the age bracket I fit into now... ish...
1) Travel -
I don't mean the all inclusive holiday package to Magaluf with the girls over the summer where most of it is spent in a haze of drunken nights and hungover mornings. That's just not what I would consider travelling nor do I think of it as particularly fun. However , dear reader, if that's what you enjoy, you do you! Go out there and have fun! Nor do I mean going round being cheap tourist tat (okay, maybe a little bit but that's just a bad choir tour habit!). No, I want to travel and learn about new places and new cultures, I want to go Thailand, to Brazil, even maybe Alaska. I just want to see new parts of the world that I would never normally conventionally see. I have always had a very intrinsic "wander lust" about me, so the goal is to go to 5 new places I have never been before.
2) Go To The Galapagos Islands -
As a marine biology student you end up learning a lot about Darwin, and consequently, Darwin's finches of the Galapagos islands.I know this is similar to my first point but hear me out. The Galapagos is meant to be an absolutely stunning place to go and dive, with a host of different marine creatures, so I am determined to go there and get as many dives in my log book as humanly possible. Plus it would be great to see the finches first hand of course.
3) Be a PADI Qualified Diving Instructor -
It's a career path I never really started to consider until about 9 months ago but the more I look into it and the closer I get to becoming a Dive Master, the more it seems like a natural road to go down. I don't care if it's in the UK or abroad, I want to become a certified diving instructor. With the way things are going, it's looking quite plausible that this could be a job I take up when I graduate uni to keep me busy whilst I look at what I want to do for a masters.
4) Raise The Money To Send My Parents On a Honeymoon -
Momma Goodwin and Papa Goodwin never got to have a honeymoon when they first got married because they just quite simply couldn't afford to.And with everything they have done for me, such as a supporting em through uni, I want to raise the money to send them away on a holiday by themselves where they can truly relax, it might be a few years away but I will make it happen, by hook or by crook.
5) Finally Get My Driving Licence -
If I'm honest this is something I want to complete in the next year or so. I haven't done it yet but because I'm not a competent driver; in my head I can do all of the maneuvers, just when it comes to actually doing it all my anxiety kicks in and I freak out. So I will over come my anxiety, Will pass my driving test and then I'll finally be able to stop relying on public transport, yay!
6) Run a 10k -
I've been getting into running a lot more recently because I'm going a lot more sprints for my HIIT training on the treadmill, I would really like to run a charity 10k one day, predominantly because every consultant I've ever met has told me not to run... yep. And the charitable aspect of course.
7) Read More -
I really need to get back into reading again, I want to be one of these people who can read one book a week, I know when I was a lot younger before exams came along, I would read ALL THE TIME. So I want to start doing that again; because it's the easiest way to absorb several lifetimes worth of knowledge
8) Come Off My Anti-Depressants -
Again, another self-explanatory challenge, as much as they have been the biggest help I've ever had the sheer cost of prescriptions is beginning to mount up every month, and I don't want to rely on them forever.
9) See The 8 Wonders of the World -
Ties into the #travel point that I made first but if I'm honest, I want to see thse 8 wonders of the world, although I've already seen Niagara falls and it's lovely! But I also want to see if they really are just that wonderful...
10) Learn To Ride a Bike -
Yes, dear reader, it's time for me to confess that I just couldn't learn to ride a bike as a child, I could never get my balance right and I'm pretty sure it's genetic because when my mum rides a bike she goes backwards. Yeah.... No.... We don't know how that works either.
11) Re-Visit Choir Tour Sites -
The Choir Tours of 2010 (Barcelona), 2012 (Berlin) and 2014 (Tuscany) will always ALWAYS have a very special place in my heart. It's where I made some of the best memories I will ever had, learnt about history, saw things I would never even dream of seeing such as The Sagrada Familia, Concentration camps, the leaning tower of Pisa. So I want to re-visit these gorgeous places 10 years after I orginally went, 2020, 2022, 2024. If fellow choir members are reading this and they're interested in doing something like that too, pop me a message, we have some planning to do.
12) Get a Tattoo -
Mum, Dad, I'm sorry. I know you're probably going to skin me for writing this one but I really do want to get a tattoo, one with meaning, I want to get one that celebrates my family and at the moment it's looking like the anchor thigh piece which I've wanted since I was about 15. Because my family have always been there for me and always will be, holding me strong and steadfast through any storms and rough seas of my life.
That was a bit more poetic than I had first intended... whoops.
13) Go On a Road Trip With Friends -
Another reason why I want to pass my driving test, I want to grab four other friends, jump in my car and travel from the south of the UK, to Ireland, the north and then to Scotland, then going to all the places we missed on the way back down, staying only in cheap hotels we find the day or two in advance, or other people's sofa's whatever happens at the time.
4) Get A Job I Love Waking Up For -
This is just a general life goal really, I have said to myself if I ever found myself in a job role where I woke up in the morning with anxiety and fear of going, I would hand my notice in there and then and find something else because my parents taught me that no matter what you do in your life, just do what makes you happy.
15) Go To Mermaid School -
Before you laugh at me, these are real things, not something that I have made up in a dream. (The jumpers for pigeons weren't a dream either, Mum who's probably reading this!) They are all over Europe. What I learnt from some research is that they are effectively free diving classes but you get to wear mermaid tails and clam bras, wooo! Dream come true for this water baby!
16) A Skydive -
Please don't ask why, I just want too. Okay? I'll do it for charity and everything.
17) Do An American Food Challenge -
I watched a lot of the TV show "Man Vs. Food" when I was younger. Adam Richer must've inspired something in me, and my Dad probably encouraged my ambition to take on a food challenge and win. I'm a naturally fast eater anyway and as long as it's a meat based challenge (chips and bread would just fill me too quickly.) I should be absolutely golden.
18) Get my MsC -
Amongst all of this meat eating, mermaid schooling tom-foolery I do still have an academic goal. I want to complete my masters at a minimum, my overall goal is to do my PhD but I'm gonna take this one step at a time. I've got a whole lot of life to live first.
19) Be a Self-Sufficient Blogger -
Occasionally, I pay a little bit of money to advertise my blog on facebook. And because it's something I love doing so much and I love hearing people's feedback from, I would really like to reach a point where the money raised from putting advert on the blog, is put straight back into advertising it on facebook, thus growing it's audience. Heck, I want to get to the point where there are "The blog with a porpoise" t-shirts. Wouldn't that be cool?!
Okay then, sorry.
20) Compete -
I'm about to become a hypocrite. Please allow me a second to brace myself for this moment.
*big intake of breath*
Right, okay, I'm ready....
I said I would never ever compete in a fitness competition, however, after starting my figure competitor training programme for abit of fun, I have been enjoying the style of training more and more and I've decided now that one day, when my academics are on pause and I'm working full-time, I will train to compete in a bikini figure competition. Just to say I've done it.
Phew. Well, dear reader, you finally survived to the end of this bucket list and I survived writing it. And for that I would like to present you with a medal but as a poor, skint student, I can't do that. So I will give you a metaphorical pat on the back. Aren't I nice?
Maybe I've inspired you to start thinking about your own bucket list. If so,What's on your bucket list? I would really love to know some pop me a comment in the box below,