Yes, I have returned from my first travel adventure this summer, and with only tomorrow to go until I go off again to begin working in Gran Canaria for a couple of months. I should probably update my blog. So here it is a list of 15 reasons on why I want to more to canada, or at least 15 reasons why you should probably visit it. This will have a few of my own personal reasons why I want to immigrate to the land of the maple syrup, but dear viewer, I'm sure you won't mind reading them! (Or having a snoop a my personal life... whatever you prefer really...)
1) My Family
As most people close to me know, I have more family members in Canada than I do in the UK, of course it would be hard to leave the ones I do have here but I know all of them are capable of jumping on a plane to come and see me. I also don't want to miss out on losing any more years with my precious 3rd cousins, who are all 8 and under at the moment, they're all so talent,clever and just down right beautiful that I don't wan to miss anymore years of watching them grow up.
2) It's Greener
Aesthetically and outside of the capital city of Toronto you entre a type of area under the name of Rurban. (Geography students amongst you may get as excited about the use of that word as I did... Or I'm just really sad.) It is, as you may of guessed, the area between the rural and suburbs and it's perfect for me. It's got the rolling green fields, gorgeous scenery and the sleepiness of a local village for you to be able to relax in but you're never too far from an outlet mall or other local amenities for you to do your errands.
3) The Prime Minister is a Babe!
Justin Trudeau, Canada's 23rd Prime minister and most of the country has appeared to fall in love with him and so have I; for a plethora of reasons, in recent days he's announced that the Canadian government is exploring the idea of having gender neutral ID cards (#winning), has acknowledged and is ready to step up Canada's commitment to climate change (#doublewinning) and has said if that anybody ever makes a film of his life, he wants to be played by Meryl Streep. And of course he's been pretty darn good for the country in terms of politics. And for some unknown reason he likes to balance babies on his hand, you do you, Justin.
4) Niagara Falls
One of the seven wonders of the world! And it's just down right beautiful, it's the main supplier of all the hydroelectricity in Canada, so win to the Canadians for being awesome and eco-friendly. You can see the falls form almost every angle, I've been in a helicopter over it, I've done a walk behind it, I've been on a boat in front of it, and it's completely breath taking.
5) It is The Land of Tim Horton's
Yes, I know, Starbucks and Costa are the main coffee retailers in the UK and yes, I know a lot of you are addicted to them but I promise you, as soon as a Tim Horton's Hot Chocolate, or a Double Double, touches your lips, it will touch your soul and you will be addicted forever more. But, unlike Starbucks and Costa; Timmies is good value for money, for 5 large coffees we paid $18. that's about £12, you pay that for just two large coffees at starbucks!
And P.S: The Ice Capp's are truly magical.
6) The Pace Of Life
So I've lived near the City of Bristol and in the city of Hull over the last 20 years and everybody is always rushing to do something, there is never any down time, there is never anytime for people to relax. So I got a bit of a culture shock when I went to Canada about 8 years ago, nobody was in a rush to do anything. They always have at least one long weekend due to a bank holiday every month, which means people did have ample time to relax. You go, Canada!
7) Patriotism
Everybody out there is immensely patriotic about their country, I can guarantee you wouldn't make it 500m without seeing a canadian flag, or a newfoundland flag or any other nationality that the resident there may have. Everybody is just so proud of where they come from and it's absolutely beautiful to see.
8) Better Job Prospects
It's common knowledge that I do a Marine biology degree and I'm absolutely loving it, after finishing my first year with a 1st, I've started to ponder on the next stage of my life; post-uni jobs, I have options in Canada such as the Simcoe dive school/shop, and there are multiple research institutes and lab facilities in Ontario. But to anyone who is contemplating moving to Canada, as long as you have a skill, you can probably end up with a job out there.
9) House Prices are very reasonable
Or at least in comparison to British house prices, when we go over there we like to taunt ourselves by looking at various real estate magazines. But I found a property, 3 bed, 2 bath, in a nice area but on a small plot of land for $30,000 dollars! yes, you read that correctly, 30k, that's, with the current exchange rate around £22,000.
10) The People
I know I'm probably very biased because most people I meet are always something to do with my family. But hen I've been in the grocery stores, or buying a coffee or just wandering around towns, people smile, people say hi, people seem to go nuts when they hear you have a British accent but anyway, the Canadian people (or at least the majority of) seme to have the same positive ethics and morals that I do; they believe in taking your children outdoors to have adventures, not sitting them in front of a TV. They don't have the Jeremy Kyle culture that most of our bigger cities and towns do an it's so refreshing.
And that ladies and gents completes the list of 10 reasons why should move to, or at least visit some part of Canada, but a word of advice, unless you like to touristy things, stay a little way away from Toronto, really experience some of that Rurban lifestyle.
And stay tuned for my Divers Log posts coming up soon, because once I've established internet connection, I can start writing about my adventure sin Gran Canaria. See you on the other side people!
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