I am breaking my blogging hiatus for the final time; from now on I would like to get back into blogging properly again because it is something I have missed very much. More so that it acts as an open journal and I can get all of my thoughts out onto the screen, and in some way and some how, support other people whilst I'm doing it. I digress, more on that in my next post.
What's spurred me back into blogging again is my beloved brother - Darren. Those who know and to those who don't I will make this very clear. Yes, I am an only child but yes, Darren is my brother. To cut a long story short, he has loved me, supported me and picked on me in the same way any big brother should, blood isn't always thicker than water. It all began when I was out doing my internship in GC, My brother and now sister-in-law, Carly were getting married but being the worst sister I could've been I missed the wedding because I was out diving (Sorry!) But I also missed something very special - the announcement that I would be having a niece or nephew very soon. Darren had asked me to do a wedding blog then but with my head not being in the right space at all - I failed abysmally there, again, sorry bro.
Those months went on and I am very proud to announce that I am now Auntie Becca (Not Becks, Darren.) to a gorgeous little girl called Baylee-Anne who came into this world on the 26th January 2017 at 00:18hrs weighing 7lbs 11oz. But as you can guess Auntie Becca was yet again not in the country... I think we all know where I was. Baylee-Anne if you ever find this blog when you're older, I'm sorry and I promise to take you out to the Island with me and teach you to dive when you're old enough. However, all was not the typical post-baby bliss as it should've been, Carly had been induced and after a long time waiting for contractions to start was given an epidural to ease the pain, beautiful Baylee-Anne was born but poor Carly was still coping with a post-dural leak in her spine. And so this leads me on nicely to the main two parts of this blog - A Thank You and A Promise.
Thank you Carly, for making Darren the happiest I have ever seen him, for being quite frankly one of the most beautiful, kind, considerate, funny, compassionate individuals I have ever had the privilege of meeting and I am so proud to say you're part of this beautiful and slightly strange pseudo family that's been created. You are a fantastic mother to Courtney, Rowan and a fantastic step-mother to J, I hope when the time comes for me to have my own children I can be as wonderful as you are, Baylee-Anne is so lucky to be going into such a loving family with all her big brothers and sister to look after her.
A promise to Baylee- Anne. You haven't met me yet but be assured not a day goes by when I don't think of you, you are so beautiful, you've met your Granny G and Grandpapa G an I'm sure they will promise you the same things I'm about too. I promise to love you, support you and protect you throughout whatever you do in life, If you need me, I will ever only be a phone call away. I can't promise I'll be a perfect Auntie because technically I've already failed you in that respect - I managed to miss your Mum and Dad's wedding, your announcement and your birth when I was 2000 miles away but I hope you'll forgive me for that, princess. I'm counting down the days until I can finally give you cuddles.
With all my love,
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